Remember, people, we’re going to be dealing with four years of this. That is really the only context you need to view the clip below. Speculation continues to grow that Harris may play a much larger role in crafting policy than any other Vice Presidents in the modern era. Thats different in 2021, because our Yanny or Laurel involves the newest president of the United States and whether he bumbled part of the Inauguration Day. Through an ear piece, President Joe Biden was told to salute the Marines. Jared Schmitz, died in the attack corroborated Hoover’s story. As usual, this might be a case of Sleepy Joe misreading his teleprompter or just. Mark Schmitz whose 20-year-old son, Marine Lance Cpl. Joe Biden seemed to suggest that he was a veteran by saying those of us, who put on the uniform. From a campaign speech in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on. Supreme Court during the 2016 election cycle was bungled by then-President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats, a successful confirmation of the 68-year-old to the AG’s office could place him in an even more dangerous position for law-abiding gun owners. 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden falsely implies that he served in the military. While the attempt to force Garland into the U.S. Garland has a decades-long track record of using his position in the judiciary to oppose Constitutional firearms rights. In one such example, the notoriously anti-gun Biden plans to appoint failed SCOTUS nominee and anti-Second Amendment zealot Merrick Garland to the highest law enforcement position in the country:ĭemocrat President Joe Biden appears to be doubling down on his commitment to trample on the Second Amendment, tapping Barack Obama’s failed Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland to be in charge of the Department of Justice during the Biden Regime. (Click here to view the video if the above player doesn’t work.) In a video from Wednesday’s inauguration that social media is having a hard time deleting fast enough, Fake US President Joe Biden is seen walking past marines into the Capitol building, he mutters salute the marines instead of.
The awkward interaction appears to have been prompted by someone communicating with Biden via earpiece, which has become a staple of the 78-year-old Biden’s public appearances due to numerous gaffes and instances of erratic behavior.

The 11 Marines have been identified as Rylee McCollum, Nicole Gee, Dylan Merola, Kareem. Video footage taken on Wednesday went viral today as viewers noticed that when President Joe Biden was walking into the Capitol on inauguration day, he robotically stated aloud Salute the Marines instead of actually saluting them. With Biden’s declining mental faculties becoming a more serious issue by the day, the strategy of his advisers appears to center around delegating the party agenda to members of the Cabinet and Vice President Kamala Harris. President Joe Biden returns a salute as he and Jill Biden arrive at Dover Air Force Base Credit: AP. 9tOVhCX7Pv- HeyThatElephant January 21, 2021

Someone in Biden's earpiece told him to salute the marines, and Biden just repeated the words "salute the marines," because he is so used to just repeating what comes from his earpiece.